History of Chef Merito
He feverishly and carefully chopped onions and garlic in his kitchen—still wearing a business suit and tie. Well into the night, his family already sound asleep, he continued in his makeshift test kitchen, exploring and perfecting his recipe. You see, Plinio Garcia was a salesman whose true passion was experimenting with flavor. He’d sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and scramble a few notes in the notebook he kept next to his bed. Then, the next morning he’d share his newly discovered invention with his family—a steak seasoned with a mix of paprika and black pepper, or a sea bass seasoned with garlic, cumin, and white pepper. His wife, Maria, was a patient woman whose creativity and passion for cooking often inspired his recipes. So that’s how it went, Mr. Garcia spent his days in the office dreaming of flavors and spices, and his nights mixing, blending, experimenting, and creating new flavors. He didn’t simply wake up one day knowing he wanted to open up his own company—it was his passion for food and flavor that led the way.
When wonderful aromas first drifted out of the Garcia’s kitchen window, so did word of the Garcia’s secret seasonings. Many were eager to have some of the seasoning for themselves. Mr. Garcia started his family business in 1985, after spending many sleepless nights perfecting his recipe. And when it came time to name the business, Maria named it Chef Merito, "the best chef."